Full Height Cockpit Windows

Just got off of the phone with them. The manufacturer has 50 sets almost ready to ship. They have frames assembled and glass ready. They were waiting to finalize a "close to original" latch system, but they finally have one they like. I'm told orders could start shipping in November.

Now they have to sharpen the pencil to get a final price....😣
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I'm waiting for the final price before I start to lean on Kelvin.... I mentioned it to another Eugene owner (GG); he indicates he is going to buy and asked about group shipping for the valley.
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I'm waiting for the final price before I start to lean on Kelvin.... I mentioned it to another Eugene owner (GG); he indicates he is going to buy and asked about group shipping for the valley.
IIRC storage space is a concern for you, so if you need a roomy place to ship all the sets of windows I'd be happy to help.
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Called today. They are expecting the first approval sample this week. It can ship one window per box via UPS. They anticipate calling the early purchasers before Thanksgiving. Pricing is still under negotiation. I was told to call back on the 22nd.
Called today.

The first approval sample was received around the end of November. It was good, but Jim K. wanted a few minor tweaks done to the frame. The next sample was received and all looks good. The manufacturer is in California and also owns a coach, so he is taking the final sample pair and installing them in his coach to get the full experience.

As the holidays are upon us, nothing will be built until January. Hopefully they will get the frame members built and windows assembled within a reasonable time-frame after that.

The final price is up on the GMCRVPARTS.com website; $997 for the pair. A bit higher than originally estimated (+$175/window over estimate), but we've spent more for smaller upgrades....
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