Well the rear Advent Air conditioning unit is gone and there is a small 14” x 14” hole in the overhead. The old Advent air conditioning unit was 21 1/2” x 22 1/2” x 3 1/2” deep.
There is a nasty discolored patch in the overhead, 21 1/2” x 22 1/2” that looks nasty. I have ordered (2) Jensen 46VR 12v dc lat screen tv units that will lie up flat to the overhead on a 12” x 12” Vespa mount. The TV can drop down and rotate. The entire is 22” x 22 1/2” x 3 1/2”, so it will not take up the entire space.
I plan to fashion a sold cypress panel to match the cabinetry that hides the tv. I might add indirect edge LED lighting to illuminate indirectly illuminate the surrounding overhead and period a couple of adjustable recessed reading lights.
I will do the same thing forward in the salon where the forward air conditioning unit used to be.
And here is the 48v dc YMGI heat pump in the salon.
I think that the curvilinear surface of the YMGI mini split compliments the similar forms of the coach.
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The overhead flat tv and enclosure will be much less bulky, so the and the space will seem much higher and more spacious.
The scissors couch will expand into a double bed and it is across from the dinette that also months into a double bed. I hope that I will be able to rotate both the passenger and driver seat around to make this a very spacious and cozy room.
On top of it all, the heating and air conditioning will be very quiet. In a pinch, I could even turn on the dashboard air conditioning without starting the engine.
I hope it will be a very pleasant and peaceful place, especially if we are boon docking in the wilderness.