i remember when they came out. Those were popular colors. Even those SHAG carpets. never cared for shag really.
In my mind, my RV is fine with vinyl floor tiles for easy clean up and throw carpets for comfy toes. Easy to take outside and shake out or replace too.
My GMC was a GLACIER in its former life.
Its original color was Sky BLUE. Not much of that left, I think the rear bed room has a cloth on the wall in some kind of weave design and below the big back window is a blue vinyl wall covering. EVerything else is gone.
The GMC has had 3 prev owners, I'm the 4th and each of those owners had a hand at tearing out the old and putting something else in its place, eliminating things on some items. For instance, I have no wall cabinets, they took them all out. The breakfast table and chairs, GONE.
It looks nice, and roomy, but its not all that practical.
I have a folding table that can be used but the chairs don't face each other in the nook.
I think they hired someone from home and gardens for the "latest" style and colors, and Shag Carpeting, oh my.
I have only seen one or two that are still close to OEM from the factory. Most have had upgrades done.