All I got with the BOVEE kit was the sensor and the box
I added a new magnet to the vane exterior just to try it, since this is a test-bed.
The magnet is from a hard-disk drive and is very powerful. It triggers from a 1/8th inch easily.
I cleared a spot on the vane to bare metal, exposed fresh surface on the magnet as well, wiped with acetone, then bonded them together using the same high-tensile strength adhesive used on popular deep-sea diving vessels, (according to a 2022 news article)
I then wired up the 9-volt battery as described earlier and proceeded to rotate the flywheel into 25 degree BTDC in the timing window.
With the sensor aligned to the magnet it shows 9.25 volts
With the sensor lightly clamped to the frame I painfully adjusted the sensor until it triggered on the leading edge of the transition from 9.26vdc to mv and then dogged the C-clamp tight
Then I rotated the flywheel a couple of times and then carefully set the trigger in place. Once I saw the volt drop, I looked at the timing window and it was at the center of the window at 25 BTDC, where it should be.
I did this a number of times and it looks good
I will wire the sensor up to the coil and remove the single wire from the points
I am ready to try running it on the BOVEE now
Should I fix the sensor in place first or run it with the clamp
I might run it on points at first to set the scenario