Is there any way to store and view the videos locally? How far away can you see at night and how is the resolution at that distance? I assume that they are Black and White at night. The problem we have is two separate camera systems picked up the thief's car and you can not tell what kind it is or what color it was. Could you read license plates with them?
Our county installed 90 camera license plate readers around the county. No one here seems to know much about them because an independent company did all of the work and manages them. If a cop wants information he has to fill out a request with an assigned case number to retrieve anything. All they ever talk about is they caught someone by reading their plate. I think they look up the registration to determine the vehicle brand and color. The county next to me did the same thing but the two systems are not compatible and do not talk to each other. So if you are doing something wrong, head to the county line. The most recent one they wanted the guy really bad. It was a bank robbery. So when the lookup showed he left the county, the police telephoned the next county and they hand entered the plate into their system. Even then it took 3 days to find the car. He should have gone another 3 miles west and he would have been out of state. I do not think the system is real time.
The contractor installed one of the cameras in the wrong county. In another case the camera and pole got hit. It took 2.5 months for them to realize it was off line. The whole thing is not ready for prime time, but it does work occasionally.
We are just trying to monitor one entrance and taxiway.
Ken B.