GMCMI Membership

Just in supplied knowledge and reading material, it is an absolutely crazy bargain! Throw on top all the great people and friends you meet and make, the GMCMI membership is a gift that no amount of money could buy.

You won't know what you have until you go to a GMCMI Rally!

Take care,
Tom and OKI Katzenberger
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Reactions: werewilfs
Thanks everyone I just signed up
Order the USB Flash Drive with your membership (I think its only $10). It's loaded with GMC manuals and information. True you can find most of it on-line, but it will save you hours of downloading and days of searching for the info.
You can't even buy a decent blank 8GB USB drive for $10!

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Reactions: Tom Katzenberger
Or, you can be as paranoid as I am, you can copy the entire thumb drive to the hard drive of the laptop you carry for navigation and still keep the years old DVDs and paper manuals with you. I've never had paper let me down.
Are you kidding? Paper lets me down all the time.

Mostly, it lets me down by being at home when I'm on the road. Sometimes, it lets me down by becoming a home for mice, though the Garage-Mahal has so far been able to repel those. Or, it gets wet and becomes a stuck-together, moldy mess. Or, I put it in a safe place, only to vanish into some parallel universe never to be seen again.

Rick "thumb drives in the coach tool box make a reliable backup" Denney
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