Dennis Sexton Passed Away

robert mueller

New member
Jul 4, 2007

I received the following email from Cynthia Sexton yesterday, she asked me to pass this on to the GMC Net and GMCMI.

Hi Rob,
This is Cynthia Sexton.
I wanted to let you know Dennis had a light stroke Sunday March 7th -3 days after we got our 2nd vaccine for The Virus.
I drove him to the emergency room.
After tests they said he would fully recover—100%
I had his bags ready for him to go to rehab on that Thursday.
Thursday morning I called Germantown Methodist hospital and asked them to ring Dennis’s room and they said he wasn’t there.
When I asked where he was the nurse said he was air lifted to Methodist University Hospital and that he was in surgery.
She gave me the phone number of the surgery area and I talked to the brain surgeon who noted that Dennis had surgery for blood clots.
He said Dennis fell at the hospital sometime after 2:00pm Wednesday then had headache.
Tests showed he had a very thick large blood clot so he was air lifted from Germantown to Methodist University Hospital.
The brain surgeon noted that Dennis was in stable condition after his surgery.
After talking to the surgeon I talked talked to Dennis and he was very clear thinking.
That Friday was quiet, however, at 8:00 am Saturday and 8:00 am Sunday Dennis had two more brain surgeries, 3 brain surgeries in 4 days!
The large thick blood clots came back over and over and the brain surgeon said he did not know why they kept on returning.
After the third surgery Dennis had a stroke on both sides and was completely paralyzed.
When I saw him last his eyes did move when I said over and over and in a rhythmic way “love you, love you."
His eyes shifted to the left side where I was standing softly repeating “love you, love you."
A nurse was called in to his room and the ventilator was removed.
Dennis passed away March 20 at 12:13 am.
Dennis enjoyed so much visiting with you.
Love Cynthia

Rob M. (USAussie)
The Pedantic Mechanic
Sydney, Australia
'75 Avion - AUS - The Blue Streak TZE365V100428
'75 Avion - USA - Double Trouble TZE365V100426
So sad - another 'friend I never met' gone.

Foolish Carriage, 76 26' Eleganza(?) with beaucoup mods and add - ons.
Braselton, Ga.
I forgive them all, save those who hurt the dogs. They must answer to me in hell

Terrible to be one of the small % of people who develop these problems. I have a good friend in the ICU with the same issue - I hope to see her again
one day.

Larry - Victoria BC -

1977 Palm Beach VIN TZE167V101295 - 39,000 miles, PO said everything working but forgot the word NOT. New wiper blades, New SS exhaust system ..