
“…60MPH trip in the median.” Thats a daymare I occasionally have as Im driving Ragtag on the interstate. Amazing that didn’t destroy the coach.
“…60MPH trip in the median.” Thats a daymare I occasionally have as Im driving Ragtag on the interstate. Amazing that didn’t destroy the coach.

I drove by shortly after headed the opposite way and snapped a picture. Wish I could find it, it had to be Matt, how many other GMCs find themselves in the median like that?
Matt, trust me, 60 ish is YOUNG... keep it up you are doing great!!!
Rod (85 in Sept) ..... Just picked up our coach from Cinnabar and will head home (2400 miles) at the end of the month. Will post my recap of the Cinnabar work as soon as I get a chance (it is 95% positive)...
If you find that picture, I would love to have a copy. I did get a couple, but it was an event to be remembered. What was amazing is that we had a dash cam running. Mary was driving and did not grasp that straight ahead on the wheel was no longer straight ahead and it 74 frames 2.4 seconds from BANG to crossing two lanes and landing in the ditch.
What was most rewarding was the response of the community.
If you were at Cinnabar, you are in striking distance of the Henry Ford Museum. I hope you didn't miss that. We are under the approach to 4L at DTW if you need a place to stay. I have water and electric at the barn. If you need a native guide before departure, we are here.
Too bad I didn't know you were this close, we had the monthly GMC owners lunch this last Saturday.
Oh, and 60 is how fast Mary was driving. We are both past that. I have had some recent issues that have caused me to slow down a little.
Oops, sorry I mixed up age and speed.... I have looked for a time and place I could meet up with you... you are so kind and welcoming... but this is a huge family event we are attending and it is jam packed. Thank you very much for your offer and I wish we could take you up on it!!! Sorry.....