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Emergency door latch release instruction

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Here is a template showing where you can drill a hole in the door to allow a screwdriver to flip the latch release leaver and open the door.

Download the Resource PDF for the template. Center the Lock Tumbler circle over the door key tumble and align the template to be square with the door. You can also use the measurements from the template to determine the location. Drill a 3/8" hole in the door at the marked location on the temple. I'm thinking a stepped bit has less likely chance of ripping the aluminum skin of the door.

Through this hole you can insert a screwdriver to lift the latch lever (labeled #5 in the photo below). This will release the door latch to open the door and also lift the internal door lock button to the unlock position.

You can get a 3/8" hole plug from a radio communications Dealer (I was one so likely for free). They are used to plug antenna holes in vehicles. Google for a Motorola or Kenwood communications dealer near you.

Door mechanism photo.jpg

Photo credit to Ken Henderson
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